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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Has it really been this long?

Wow. I'm really bad at this, aren't I? This much time cannot have gone by since my last post - I think there has been a mistake.

Now, let me run down the laundry list of excuses. Let's see.......okay, here goes:

Did I mention I was starting a business? Oh, yeah - about 1000 times - but the panic is setting in now. For one thing, the weather here went in the toilet Sunday night and dumped about 12 inches of that white shit I thought we were done with on our nicely greened up lawn. Man, not happy about that. It was family snow day yesterday. John couldn't even get to work - he had to turn around on his way b/c he couldn't see anything. So, the day consisted of pulling the sleds behind the 4-wheeler (no need to send me comments on how dangerous this is, I'm well aware and that's why I stay in the house while it's happening), snowboarding down our hill, riding snowmobiles around the 10 acres, building forts under the pine trees that were drooping with the weight of the snow and attempting to snowblow paths out of the house - which was a waste of time in the 30 mph winds. The poor chickens that were thoroughly enjoying the grass and all the juicy bugs are now looking at me like, "ok, what the hell happened?" The robins that decided it was time for them to return for Spring, were holding on for their dear lives in the trees yesterday with all the wind. The fields are going to take forever to dry out now and did I mention I hate winter? Oh, yeah - about 1000 times.

Did I mention I homeschool my kids? Oh, yeah - about 1000 times - but we have had a LONG hiatus from anything that looks like actual 'schooling' in the academic sense of the word. Between the conference, the birthdays, the company and the snowdays - it's hard to concentrate. However, the things they have been learning and experiencing outside of 'books' has been well worth every minute of time and helps relieve my anxiety. Besides, are the books going anywhere? No. They will be there, they will get done by the end of the school year - they always do - just not always on schedule.

Did I mention we run the soccer program here in our town for over 200 kids? Oh, yeah - about 1000 times - well, the soccer season has officially begun. No, we are not actually playing yet and depending on what our insane weather does - we might not even be able to start next month as planned - but we are trying to get 200 kids registered, uniforms ordered, teams formed, coaches found and schedules made. These things in themselves are enough to make one go running from the house screaming - so combine them with everything else and it's time for a drink (or 2 or 3).
We should have all the teams wrapped up by this weekend and then we won't have to spend as much time until the actual season starts - then we get to go to 5 games a weekend and watch our 3 daughters play - in our spare time, of course, from growing 2 acres of vegetables!!!

Did I mention my husband is 100% Irish and it is St. Patrick's Day this week? Oh, yeah - maybe not 1000 times, but a time or two, I'm sure. Anyway, this process takes at least 2 weeks or preparation - you see, his family has a float in the parade and then a massive party at his parent's afterward. His parents are the Grand Marshals of the parade this year - so even more preparation is required. Not to mention, St. Patrick's Day is on a Friday this year - God, help me - this means no one has to work the next day, which means they can stay out even later and drink even more green beer and Jamesons Irish Whiskey and all that good stuff. If I survive my husband's family through this years' holiday, it will be a miracle.

Oh, and this is the best part! Of course, they are all Irish Catholics, right? Well, the traditional gorging of cornbeef and cabbage is supposed to take place on Friday - but wait! Friday of lent? Are you supposed to eat meat on Friday during lent? No, you're not! What to do?? Well, unless you want to settle for tuna fish sandwiches, and you are my mother-in-law, you call the Bishop himself and you get a dispensation from the rule b/c you are Irish and you MUST eat corned beef, no matter what silly religious rules there are that say you cannot. Catholics - the rules only apply as long as we aren't inconvenienced by them - they crack me up. Now, whoever I just offended, I'm terribly sorry, but I am a Catholic convert due to the fact that my mother-in-law would have disowned my husband had I not converted (remember the "through better or worse" part?? I'm fulfilling my obligation.) that doesn't mean I have to agree with all their rules and that I can't get a good chuckle from the hyprocracy when the time comes, right?

Okay, that should suffice for enough excuses to my lazy posting schedule - I will try to do better - but can't guarantee anything. Here's to you all having a fun, green, safe St. Patrick's Day - say a quick prayer for me that I survive with a bunch of meat-eating, green beer-drinking, Irish whiskey-swilling Catholics on Friday, I need all the help I can get!

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