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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Coming Clean

You know how it is when you have gone a long time without posting and then it almost becomes impossible to start again? Well folks, that's where I'm at.

Also, as the title says, it's about coming clean too. I've eluded to the fact there are some things going on my life and without going into detail, I'll just say it is my marriage. We are currently 'trying it apart' for awhile and seeing what happens. In 15+ years of marriage, there are bumps and we are in the middle of a pothole - if you live in Wisconsin or Minnesota, you know how big those can be! Why would I disclose this to the Internet? When I write on this blog, it is a real look into my life and trying to compose posts and pretend this is not happening seemed pointless to me and if you can't be authentic, why bother?

So, even though I'm 16 days behind, I'm jumping on the NaBloPoMo wagon to get back in the swing of things and plan on doing the same for December. High goals through the holidays, I know, but it's all about the focus on a task, you know?

Now, I'm off to attempt to catch up and comment on all of your blogs that I have been missing so much.


Karen said...

I just wanted to stop by and wish you well. I've been married for 22 years and it's not always easy.

Denise said...

I just want to say that I will be thinking of you during this difficult time!

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

I'm sorry that things have been tough lately and I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything works out how you want it to.

laurie said...

gad i'm so sorry. don't tell us anything if you don't want to; tell all if you want to. it's your blog, and we're your friends. we care.

but those of us from the midwest, anyway, would never dream of prying. just know that i'm awfully sorry.

Akkire said...

hi angie.

i've been wondering where you were these days. sounds like you've got some thinking to do.

i read this and felt...scared. scared for you, scared for myself, scared at the idea of forever or not forever. but you know what, trying new things to figure out how you feel/think/what you need does not have to be scary...or bad...or whatever. it is what it is.

i'm here for you, a listener, when ever you choose to exercise your right to call on friends.


Country Girl said...

I hope all works out for the best, we've been missing you!

Anonymous said...

It's so good to hear from you. I'm really sorry that you're dealing with something so difficult. I can't even imagine what it must be like. Sending you positive energy from way over here in NY.

Madeline Rains said...

Oh Angie. I was afraid it might be something like that. I am so sorry. I've had bumps that I thought were pot hoes but with a bit of silence and thoughtfulness and help ended up being overcome. I so hope that for you. We are all here for you.

KJ said...

Well, crap. Sorry to hear it, sorry it has been tough. Crap crap crap. But glad you're back.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back--and good luck! I hope your pothole is short & shallow.

Minnesota Matron said...

Ah, Angie. I get it. The authentic way through isn't always easy, but the result is ALWAYS better. Wishing you wisdom and strength as you figure out what's right for your life!

Mrs. G. said...

I hope all the change brings good stuff. You've built a friggin' log cabin. I'm not worried for you. You're strong.


Ev said...

Ack. I'm sorry...I'm slow catching up on my favorite bloggers. Add my best wishes to everyone else's. You can build a cabin...you're tough enough to weather this, too.