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Friday, April 11, 2008

April Letter - 10

Dear Husband

Thank you for forcing me to go out and have dinner and a beer (or two) with you tonight. As usual, you know what's best for me, in spite of the fact that I'm quite damn sure I know what's best and usually don't have a clue.

After this incredibly long week, with multiple 'girl' crisis after crisis and dealing with my unbelievably dysfunctional family, a burger and a few beers is exactly what I needed.

There you sat across the table from me and let me vent about the weeks happenings and just nodded your head and let me know you were listening w/o having to say a word.

You have married a neurotic woman with a crazy family and you see past all the shit and still think neuroses is sexy. You are weird. Thank God for that.

Our house is full of our daughters and their friends tonight (10 kids in all) and because you knew I needed to unload in order to keep my sanity, I don't even want to kill any of them, despite the fact that something very large just crashed in the basement.

All I hear is giggles and laughs and will worry about what broke in the morning.

Thank you to the person who knows me better than I know myself.

Love, Your Wife.


Mrs. G. said...

LOVE,LOVE,LOVE you new look. And don't even get me started on Annie.

I could take this letter and cross out your name and add mine, and my husband wouldn't know the difference.

KJ said...

That's awesome. Nice hubby. Good hubby. Something about beer... if I just need to chill out, it has to be beer.